• Kyle Bergman is the senior buyer for men’s grooming and lifestyle at BirchboxMan, a beauty subscription service.

• He also runs The Great Fantastic on the side – selling sweatpant overalls, or “swoveralls.”

• In the rest of his spare time, Bergman plays lacrosse for the Israeli national team, teaches a class at OrangeTheory Fitness, and attends a part-time MBA program at NYU.

Kyle Bergman’s always been a busy person.

He attributes that to his years as a student-athlete in college. He also credits his productive parents, who he said seemed to handle their packed schedules with ease.

“I was kind of already conditioned to juggle a lot,” he told Business Insider. “It’s really what gives me energy now. It’s really what gets me up in the morning and excited.”

Today, he’s juggling quite a bit. Not only does he have a full-time job at beauty subscription service Birchbox, he also runs The Great Fantastic, his side business that sells sweatpant overalls. He also plays for the Israeli national lacrosse team and is in a part-time MBA program at NYU.

So how does he stay productive while managing so many activities?

"I'm not the most organized person, but I live and die by my calendar, whether it's scheduling to pay rent or doing a strategy presentation for my job at Birchbox," he said. "Everything is on my calendar."

Here's a look inside his jam-packed daily schedule:

Bergman wakes up around 5:00 a.m. on days when he's going to work out at OrangeTheory Fitness, where he also coaches a weekly class. He said rising early and exercising are "like religion" to him. "Getting up before the sun and getting my body running on endorphins as soon as possible is the number one life hack," he said.

Foto: source Kyle Bergman

The exercise is also a crucial component of one of his leisure activities. As a member of the Israeli national lacrosse team, he strives to stay in shape. He often travels on weekends to play with the team. He's looking forward to the 2018 World Lacrosse Championships, which will be held this summer in Netanya, Israel.

Foto: source Kyle Bergman

After the work out, he'll head back home to shower — and potentially test out prospective grooming brands in the process. Breakfast usually consists of coffee and an omelet. When it's not too cold out, he'll cycle to work to avoid the crush of subway riders. He typically arrives at Birchbox between 7:45 and 8:15 a.m.

Foto: source Kyle Bergman

Once he's in the office, Bergman heads to Birchbox's Solarium for a "zen hour." "From a cognitive ability standpoint, I am at my best from when I wake up to like 11:30 in the morning," he said. He spends the time tackling important tasks, answering high-priority emails, and planning ahead for upcoming meetings.

Foto: source Kyle Bergman

"My day job at BirchboxMan as the senior buyer here has really been incredible in terms of making me more productive and organized," he said. He spends the rest of his workday mostly managing existing Birchbox brands with his team, as well as sourcing new products.

Foto: source Kyle Bergman

For lunch, Bergman often grabs something from a nearby eatery. If he's flagging in the mid-afternoon, he'll even duck out of the office to do a couple of brisk laps around the building.

Foto: source Kyle Bergman

"The team that I work with is incredibly regimented yet fluid, and our goal of providing guys with the easiest way to discover new grooming options through a subscription product has been great as well," he said.

Foto: source Kyle Bergman

He added that Birchbox has been incredibly supportive of all of his side projects. "Going to business school was always something I was open about during the interview process, as well as playing lacrosse for the Israeli national team," he said. "They've always been super supportive of my extra curriculars."

Foto: source Kyle Bergman

Birchbox cofounder and CEO Katia Beauchamp even owns a pair of Great Fantastic swoveralls and wears them to work. "The support has been incredible," he said.

Foto: source Kyle Bergman

Once a week after work, Bergman will attend a jam session with some coworkers-come-bandmates. Birchbox employees have got an office band going called Brunei and the Assortments. He's a co-lead singer. "I'm lucky that they'll have me be a part of it because I don't really have great musical talent, per se," he said.

Foto: source Kyle Bergman

On other days, he'll head to class at NYU. Bergman is currently halfway through a part-time MBA degree. His time in business school actually helped inspire the idea for swoveralls in the first place.

Foto: source Kyle Bergman

About a year and a half ago, Bergman began learning about Amazon's fulfillment center network in class. Around that time, a friend sent him a Buzzfeed article about sweatpant overalls.

Foto: source Kyle Bergman

"Initially, I read the article and thought to myself, 'I want a pair. These are awesome,'" he said. He thought about starting his own business, but hesitated. He didn't — and still doesn't — think "sweatpant overalls are going to be the ticket that I ride off into the sunset."

Foto: source Kyle Bergman/Instagram

Still, he decided to take the plunge. Bergman dedicates anywhere from 10 to 15 hours a week to the Great Fantastic, designing swoveralls, filling orders, running social media platforms, corresponding with customers, and "thinking about what the heck I'm going to do next with it." Most of that time comes out of his weekends, but he also works on it during the evening on weekdays.

Foto: source Kyle Bergman

Right now, he's finalizing the Great Fantastic's spring collection for men and women. He said he's realized that he's at his best at the beginning part of a "brand's life cycle." "I love creating and making things happen," he said. "If I'm doing a good job, I'm learning from my mistakes and looking at the things I've done — what worked, what didn't — and how I can leverage those experiences to make it better."

Foto: source Kyle Bergman/Instagram

To wind down at the end of the day, Bergman cooks dinner using the organic food delivery service Green Chef. Before bed, he'll usually crack open a book, which helps him fall asleep. Bergman tries to turn in by 10:30 p.m. most nights. While sometimes it feels like he has a lot on his plate, he said he sees his schedule a bit differently: "I know it's cliché to say, but I don't see it as work because I love doing it."

Foto: source Kyle Bergman

Got a cool side hustle? Email [email protected].
